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Count character occurrences in a given word, phrase or sentence

Writer's picture: aya abdalsalamaya abdalsalam

we will count how many times an character appears in a word or a phrase or a sentence

There is many ways to count occurrences of a character I will introduce some of them

1. for loop

2. count()

3. regular expression

4. pandas library

For loop

using for loop is a good way to count number of occurrence of a character in a word or sentence

def countWord(word):
    count = 0
    for i in word:
        if i == charToCount:
            count = count + 1
    print("Your character " + charToCount + " is found " + str(count) + " Times")
word = input('Enter your word : ')
charToCount = input('Enter Your character : ')


Enter your word : Working From home is good
Enter Your character : i
Your character i is found 2 Times


using count function can help you , it will return how many times this character is found in this string or sentence

def countWord(word):
    print("Your character " + charToCount + " is found " + str(word.count(charToCount))+ " Times")
word = input('Enter your word:  ')
charToCount = input('Enter Your character : ')


Enter your word: Working From home is good
Enter Your character: i
Your character i is found 2 Times

Regular Expression

regular expression is a way to search in a string and make matching and by matching you can use many function such as find() , findall() and search() in regular expression you need to import its library which called re

import re
def countWord(word):
    print("Your character " + charToCount + " is found " + str(len(re.findall(charToCount, word))) +" Times")
word = input('Enter your word :  ')
charToCount = input('Enter Your character : ')


Enter your word:  Working From home is good
Enter Your character: i
Your character i is found 2 Times

Pandas Library

There is a function in pandas called value_counts by it It will count every character count in a new line . You need to pass string as a series object and you need to import pandas

import pandas as pd
def countWord(word):
word = input('Enter your word ')


Enter your word Working From home is good
o    5
r    2
i    2
g    2
m    2
W    1
k    1
n    1
F    1
h    1
e    1
s    1
d    1
dtype: int64


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