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Morse Code Translator In Python

Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment. It is named for Samuel F. B. Morse, an inventor of the telegraph. The algorithm is very simple. Every character in the English language is substituted by a series of dots and dashes or sometimes just singular dot or dash and vice versa as described below :

def convert_morse(code):
    code = code.replace("a", ".-")
    code = code.replace("b", "-...")
    code = code.replace("c", "-.-.")
    code = code.replace("d", "-..")
    code = code.replace("e", ".")
    code = code.replace("f", "..-.")
    code = code.replace("g", "--.")
    code = code.replace("h", "....")
    code = code.replace("i", "..")
    code = code.replace("j", ".---")
    code = code.replace("k", "-.-")
    code = code.replace("l", ".-..")
    code = code.replace("m", "--")
    code = code.replace("n", "-.")
    code = code.replace("o", "---")
    code = code.replace("p", ".--.")
    code = code.replace("q", "--.-")
    code = code.replace("r", ".-.")
    code = code.replace("s", "...")
    code = code.replace("t", "-")
    code = code.replace("u", "..-")
    code = code.replace("v", "...-")
    code = code.replace("w", ".--")
    code = code.replace("x", "-..-")
    code = code.replace("y", "-.--")
    code = code.replace("z", "--..")
    code = code.replace("1", ".----")
    code = code.replace("2", "..---")
    code = code.replace("3", "...--")
    code = code.replace("4", "....-")
    code = code.replace("5", ".....")
    code = code.replace("6", "-....")
    code = code.replace("7", "--...")
    code = code.replace("8", "---..")
    code = code.replace("9", "----.")
    code = code.replace("0", "-----")

    code = code.replace(",", "--..--")
    code = code.replace(".", ".-.-.")
    code = code.replace("?", "..--..")
    code = code.replace("/", "-..-.")
    code = code.replace("-", "-....-")
    code = code.replace("(", "-.--.")
    code = code.replace(")", "-.--.-")

    return code

covert_morse has a string argument and split each character to replace it bu their corresponding one to construct the morse code.

msg = input("Enter any message: ") print(f"Initial code :{msg}") morse = convert_morse(msg) print(f"Morse code: {morse}")

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