Pandas techniques - part 2 - groupby
After loading, merging, and preparing a data set, the next important step is to compute group statistics and pandas provides a high-performance groupby facility, enabling to slice and dice, and summarize data sets in a natural way.
Hadley Wickham, an author of many popular packages for the R programing language, told about group operations as split-apply-combine. The first stage of the process is split into groups based on one or more keys and the splitting performs on a particular axis (axis=0 for rows and axis=1 for columns) of an object. Then, a function is applied to each object and producing a new value. Finally, the results are combined into a result object. This is about groupby mechanics.

Groupby basic operations
Basic syntax is
df.groupby(column/s_to_group)[[column/s_to_calculate]].function/s_to_compute( )
Let's get started. Here is a very sample data frame.
df = pd.DataFrame({'key1':['a','a','b','b','a','b'],
key1 key2 val1 val2
0 a one 0 1
1 a two 5 3
2 b one 2 0
3 b two 4 2
4 a one 1 4
5 b two 3 5
grouped = df.groupby('key1')
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x7f880385dee0>
Pandas return a GroupBy Object and at this stage, it has not computed anything. For example, to compute group means we can call the mean method.
val1 val2
a 3.333333 3.333333
b 1.666667 1.666667
It calculated the average values from 'val1' and 'val2' according to its group column 'key1'.
We can group one or more columns.
It is grouped by 'key1' and 'key2' columns and calculated the average value of 'val1' column according to those groups.
key1 key2
a one 4.5
two 1.0
b one 2.0
two 1.5
Name: val1, dtype: float64
The following code will produce the same result.
You can use the unstack method to spread as columns.
key2 one two
a 4.5 1.0
b 2.0 1.5
You can use one or more keys and one or more values to calculate.
df.groupby(['key1','key2'])[['val1', 'val2']].mean()
val1 val2
key1 key2
a one 4.5 2.5
two 1.0 5.0
b one 2.0 1.0
two 1.5 2.0
The following statistical methods can be used as 'Optimized groupby methods'.
Function Name | Description |
count | Number of non-NA values in the group |
sum | Sum of non-NA values |
mean | Mean of non-NA values |
median | Median of non-NA values |
std, var | Sample standard deviation and variance of non-NA values |
min, max | Minimum and maximum of non-NA values |
prod | Product of non-NA values |
first, last | First and last non-NA values |
Groupby with agg method
You can also use statistical methods with agg method but this is much slower than the optimized functions. In agg method, you can add any statistical computation method from build-in, from NumPy, or custom functions. For example,
It is the same as the above method for computing the average values. You can use one or more functions to calculate with agg method.
It is grouped by the 'key1' column to calculate the average and sum of the 'val1' column.
mean sum
a 3.333333 10
b 1.666667 5
One thing to be aware of is to use parenthesis for build-in functions and no need to use it for NumPy functions and custom functions. Here's create a new function to calculate the range of the data.
def range_(arr):
return max(arr) - min(arr)
mean std range_
a 3.333333 2.081666 4
b 1.666667 1.527525 3
You can change the column names of the result table by adding a list of tuples with custom names.
('Standard Deviation',np.std),
Average Standard Deviation Range
a 3.333333 10 4
b 1.666667 5 3
If you want to apply different functions to one or more of the columns, you can pass a dict to agg that contains a mapping of column names to any of the function specifications.
It is grouped by both 'key1' and 'key2' columns and minimum, maximum, and average values are calculated for the 'val1' column and standard deviation and summation are calculated for the 'val2' column.
val1 val2
min max mean std sum
key1 key2
a one 4 5 4.5 0.707107 5
two 1 1 1.0 NaN 5
b one 2 2 2.0 NaN 1
two 0 3 1.5 2.828427 4
In all of the examples above, the aggregated data comes back with an index, and if you do not want this index, you can disable it by passing as_index=False to groupby:
df.groupby(['key1','key2'], as_index=False).mean()
key1 key2 val1 val2
0 a one 4.5 2.5
1 a two 1.0 5.0
2 b one 2.0 1.0
3 b two 1.5 2.0
Aggregation is only one kind of group operation. It reduces a one-dimensional array to a scalar value. There are other kinds of group operations.
Groupby with transform( )
The transform method applies a function to each group, then places the results in the appropriate locations. Let's see it with an example.
Review the data frame.
key1 key2 val1 val2
0 a one 5 2
1 a two 1 5
2 b one 2 1
3 b two 0 4
4 a one 4 3
5 b two 3 0
Let's say we want to calculate the summation of 'val1' and 'val2' grouped by 'key1'.
val1 val2
a 10 10
b 5 5
If we use the transform method, these values will be broadcasted to the appropriate locations.
val1 val2
0 10 10
1 10 10
2 5 5
3 5 5
4 10 10
5 5 5
Groupby with Apply( )
Like aggregate, transform, the apply method splits the object into pieces, applies the passed function on each piece, and then combines these pieces together again. Let's create a new data frame.
df = pd.DataFrame({'data1':np.random.randn(1000),
category = pd.cut(df['data1'], 4)
The data frame contains two columns and 1000 rows of random numbers. The category variable contains category type data of 4 categories according to the column 'data1'.
0 (-1.542, -0.111]
1 (-1.542, -0.111]
2 (-1.542, -0.111]
3 (-1.542, -0.111]
4 (-0.111, 1.321]
Name: data1, dtype: category
Categories (4, interval[float64]): [(-2.979, -1.542] < (-1.542, -0.111] < (-0.111, 1.321] < (1.321, 2.752]]
First, define the statistical functions to apply.
def get_stats(arr):
return {'Minimum':arr.min(),'Maximum':arr.max(),
You can easily pass this function inside the apply method.
Minimum Maximum Average Count
(-2.979, -1.542] -2.973551 -1.553749 -1.919661 61.0
(-1.542, -0.111] -1.542005 -0.113647 -0.680796 388.0
(-0.111, 1.321] -0.110328 1.307575 0.518177 463.0
(1.321, 2.752] 1.329699 2.752306 1.797560 88.0
You can use the qcut method for cutting with the same number of observations in each group. Here is an example to create 4 groups.
category = pd.qcut(df['data1'], 4, labels=False)
0 1
1 0
2 1
3 0
4 3
Name: data1, dtype: int64
Minimum Maximum Average Count
0 -2.973551 -0.630337 -1.234221 250.0
1 -0.629076 0.034398 -0.297647 250.0
2 0.037742 0.684484 0.341830 250.0
3 0.687052 2.752306 1.257450 250.0
When cleaning up missing data, you can impute the missing values using a fixed value or some value you define. Let's create a data frame with missing values.
df = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['a','a','b','b','a','b'],
key value
0 a 3.0
1 a NaN
2 b 4.0
3 b NaN
4 a 1.0
5 b 2.0
Suppose you want to fill the missing values with the average value of each group according to the 'key' column.
a 2.0
b 3.0
They are the average values. If you want to fill in the missing values with the average values, you can use the lambda function inside the apply method.
df.groupby(['key'], as_index=False).apply(lambda x:
key value
0 0 a 3.0
1 a 2.0
4 a 1.0
1 2 b 4.0
3 b 3.0
5 b 2.0
You can also fill the missing values with the values you define.
fill_values = {'a':10,'b':20}
df.groupby(['key'], as_index=False).apply(lambda x:
key value
0 a 3.0
1 a 10.0
2 b 4.0
3 b 20.0
4 a 1.0
5 b 2.0
There are many ways left you can use with groupby method. You have to remember the groupby operation is split-apply-combine and the basic syntax is
df.groupby(column/s_to_group)[[column/s_to_calculate]].function/s_to_compute( )
A pivot table is a data summarization tool most commonly found in spreadsheet programs. The main idea of the pivot-table is same as groupby method.
Its most commonly used parameters are as follow:
index - column/s to group
values - column/s to calculate
columns - same as the index but these results will show as column values in the result table
aggfunc - function/s to compute
margins - add row/columns ( e.g for grand totals )
First, create a data set.
In [30]: np.random.seed(42)
...: df = pd.DataFrame({
'sex': np.random.choice(['M','F'], size=10),
...: 'day':['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri']*2,
...: 'size':np.random.choice(['S','M','L'],
...: 'value1': np.arange(10,101,10),
...: value2': np.random.randint(10,20,size=10)})
...: df
sex day size value1 value2
0 M Mon L 10 15
1 F Tue L 20 11
2 M Wed L 30 14
3 M Thu L 40 10
4 M Fri S 50 19
5 F Mon L 60 15
6 M Tue M 70 18
7 M Wed S 80 10
8 M Thu M 90 19
9 F Fri M 100 12
In [31]: df.pivot_table(index=['sex'],
F 12.666667
M 15.000000
It is grouped by sex columns and calculated the average value of value2 columns.
We can use more than one column.
In [32]: df.pivot_table(index=['sex', 'size'],
values = ['value1','value2'])
value1 value2
sex size
F L 40.000000 13.0
M 100.000000 12.0
M L 26.666667 13.0
M 80.000000 18.5
S 65.000000 14.5
We can specify the function by the aggfunc parameter.
In [33]: df.pivot_table(index=['sex', 'size'],
values = ['value1','value2'],
value1 value2
sex size
F L 80 26
M 100 12
M L 80 39
M 160 37
S 130 29
For adding grand total value, we can use the margins parameter with boolean values.
In [34]: df.pivot_table(index=['sex', 'size'],
values = ['value1','value2'],
...: aggfunc=np.sum, margins=True)
value1 value2
sex size
F L 80 26
M 100 12
M L 80 39
M 160 37
S 130 29
All 550 143
We can specify the custom functions according to the value columns.
In [35]: df.pivot_table(index=['sex', 'size'],
values = ['value1','value2'],
...: aggfunc = {'value1':[np.mean, np.min],
...: 'value2':[np.max, np.std]})
value1 value2
amin mean amax std
sex size
F L 20.0 40.000000 15.0 2.828427
M 100.0 100.000000 12.0 NaN
M L 10.0 26.666667 15.0 2.645751
M 70.0 80.000000 19.0 0.707107
S 50.0 65.000000 19.0 6.363961
For the values that become missing values, while spreading the data, we can specify these missing values by the fill_value parameter. For example,
In [36]: df.pivot_table(index=['sex', 'size'],
values = ['value2'],
day Fri Mon Thu Tue Wed
sex size
F L NaN 15.0 NaN 11.0 NaN
M 12.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
M L NaN 15.0 10.0 NaN 14.0
M NaN NaN 19.0 18.0 NaN
S 19.0 NaN NaN NaN 10.0
We can fill these values with any scalar value we want.
In [37]: df.pivot_table(index=['sex', 'size'],
values = ['value2'],
day Fri Mon Thu Tue Wed
sex size
F L miss 15.0 miss 11.0 miss
M 12.0 miss miss miss miss
M L miss 15.0 10.0 miss 14.0
M miss miss 19.0 18.0 miss
S 19.0 miss miss miss 10.0
I think these methods will be useful for you. Thanks a lot for your time.