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May 4, 2022
Principal Component Analysis with Python
In a machine learning workflow, we generally have to deal with high-dimensional datasets. But most of the time, many features in those...
Apr 5, 2022
Feature scaling: What is it?
Feature scaling is a method used to normalize data before passing it to any machine learning algorithm. It is a substantial part of the...
Mar 15, 2022
Learn K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) with Mobile Price Classification dataset
This dataset comes from Kaggle. His main purpose is to classify mobile phones into different price ranges based on their features (eg:...
Feb 26, 2022
Some Statistical concepts for data science
Statistique is one of the key parts of data science. In this blog post, we’ll present some important statistics concepts for data science...
Jan 19, 2022
Let's take a closer look at NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was designed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico, and the United...
Dec 9, 2021
All you need to know about importing data in python
Data scientists have to deal with data that come from various sources. Indeed, data collected for data analysis can be in different...
Nov 21, 2021
Become a pandas ninja with nlargest(), nsmallest(), query and where methods
Pandas is a famous library with a ton of methods. The methods we cover in this article are not often used by data scientists but can be...
Nov 20, 2021
Working with duplicated data in Pandas DataFrame
Real-world data are generally noisy and messy. In this case, we must process some cleaning operation on it before doing an analysis....
Nov 16, 2021
Working with Missing Data in Pandas
As pandas is a library for data manipulation, it offers various approaches to detect and handle missing data. Here, we can ask ourselves;...
Nov 4, 2021
Usage of apply function, plotting and iteration with Pandas
Pandas is a broadly used Python library for data analysis. It gives easy-to-use functions to load data from several sources, manipulate...


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