A journey towards becoming a data expert!
The Data Scientist Program starts tomorrow Jan. 15 and ends Dec. 15, 2020. Please check your email if you are a Data Insight's scholarship recipient. See the list of scholarship recipients here.
Message to participants

We are happy to inform you that you have been awarded a Data Insight's Scholarship for the Data Scientist Program. Please accept our hearty congratulations!
As you begin your journey towards becoming a data expert this year, we are excited to begin this exciting and life-changing journey with you. The program will require a lot of self-motivation and dedication from you. You will sometimes go through difficult challenges, however, at the end of it all, it will be worthwhile as well as rewarding.
The program begins tomorrow January 15, 2020, and it will end on December 15, 2020. Throughout this time you will take courses as well as complete practical projects while building your data science portfolio. You will be assigned course work and projects which you will have to complete at your own convenience within the stipulated deadline.
You have been invited to a Data Insight group via the email you provided with your application. Please follow the link in the email you received to gain access to the Data Scientist Program.
For all communications with regard to the Data Scientist Program, you should join this slack channel created solely for this purpose.
We wish you the very best on this journey.