Convert Roman numbers to Decimals
Python is the key code of solving programming problems, Well, Python is the magical world of programming. you can do anything with it, right now I will try to change Roman Numerals to Decimals and vise versa.
first of all, let's have a short note about the Roman numbers and the way it's written with. Figure 1 :

it's soo easy to use with Py 3, just try to create an index just like below :
here you can see that first, we defined the function "ronamtoInt" (S)
then we list roman numbers with it's equivalent in English.
- we tried to use replace method with the function S
then we write a number in roman "IXCM", then run the code to be "804".
, let's try another code for written Roman number (MMDCCC),
by doing the same steps "
1- Define the function
2- Doing some calculations to replace values
3- Use For - In Function.
4 - Print (roman number),
you can run the code and find the result.
let's have fun and do some code yourself for the numbers below :
Embed your code using any of the methods described here