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Data exploration of the iris dataset

Writer's picture: Gaurab AwalGaurab Awal

Get familiar with pandas library

The Iris Dataset contains four features (length and width of sepals and petals) of 50 samples of three species of Iris (Iris setosa, Iris virginica, and Iris versicolor)

The iris dataset can be explored with the help of the pandas library. We will simply read the minimum value, the maximum value, the mean, and the standard deviation in this project.

We will understand the code step by step.

Step 1: Import the pandas library
	import pandas as pd

Step 2: Read a CSV file of the iris dataset with the help of the pandas library and assigned the data frame into df variable.

	df = pd.read_csv('iris.csv')

Step 3: For user interaction, we have to input numbers according to the parameter we want to get. The input number is saved to the variable input_value.
Input 1 for minimum value
Input 2 for maximum value
Input 3 for mean calculation
Input 4 for standard deviation

	input_value = int(input("Enter number to select: "))

Step 4: With respect to the number input then we get value and print it out.

For example, if we give 3 as input value then it will print the mean value of each column and give the result as below.

Enter number to select: 3
You have selected mean value.
Mean of sepal length is 5.84,sepal width is 3.06,petal length is 3.76,petal width is 1.2.

I have uploaded all of the code in the GitHub link and download an iris dataset from the iris dataset link so that you can get it from Github and try it on your own.


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Data Insight
Data Insight
Sep 15, 2021

It will be good if you provide a link to the dataset as well.

Gaurab Awal
Gaurab Awal
Sep 15, 2021
Replying to

I have updated a blog and attached a link of the dataset.




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