Fahrenheit to Celsius, a simple converter
We start with writing the general theory - the rule of conversion:
Celsius = (Fahrenheit- 32) * 5/9

image recourse: https://vocal.media/lifehack/how-to-convert-celsius-to-fahrenheit-easy
The program accepts the value of the Fahrenheit degree entered by the user and stores it in feh variable, as the following:
feh = float(input("Enter your temperature in Fehrenheit: "))
A prompt will appear for the user as:
Enter your temperature in Fehrenheit: 1000
Second, the conversion:
Then, the conversion is calculated using the previous mentioned rule and the result is stored in the variable celsius:
celsius = (feh - 32) * 5 / 9
Then the result is printed along with the converted Fahrenheit degree:
print("%0.2f degrees in Fehrenheit is %0.2f degrees in Celsius. " %(feh,celsius))
The result would be:
1000.00 degrees in Fehrenheit is 537.78 degrees in Celsius.
Using the % symbol we linked the place of the variable in the sentence, f symbol is to determine that this value is float, 0.2 is the number of digits after the dot.
Also, we could just convert the celsius variable into String and printed:
print("The temperature in Celesius is :" + str(celsius))
It would result in the whole number:
The temperature in Celesius is :537.7777777777778
Thanks for reading.