Checking if a Word is Palindrome with Python
This is a simple python app that will tell you wether your text is a palindrome or not.
In this program, I have used the build-in reversed function to reverse the string.
First we define a function called ispalindrome()
In this function, it first takes the input as an argument and lowercase the alphabets using pythons lower() method. Then it reverse the string using reversed() method.
Then we compare the string with the reversed string and if they match it prints positive and negative otherwise.
def isPalindrome(s):
# Using predefined function to reverse to string print(s)
str = s.lower()
rev =''.join(reversed(str))
# Checking if both string are equal or not
if (str == rev):
print ("Yes. The word "+str+" is a Palindrome")
print ("No. The word "+str+" is NOT a palindrome")
s = input()
ans = isPalindrome(s)
Yes. The word madam is a palindrome.