Project: Investigating Netflix Movies and Guest Stars in The Office

It's The Office! What began in 2001 as a British mockumentary series on office culture has subsequently spawned eleven different variants worldwide, including an Israeli version (2010-13), a Hindi version (2019-), and even a French Canadian variety (2006-2007). The American version has been the longest-running of all these adaptations (including the original), reaching 201 episodes over nine seasons.
In this notebook, we'll explore a dataset of The Office episodes to see how the show's popularity and quality changed over time. To do so, we'll utilize the dataset datasets/office episodes.csv, which can be found on Kaggle here.
episode_number: Canonical episode number.
season: Season in which the episode appeared.
episode_title: Title of the episode.
description: Description of the episode.
ratings: Average IMDB rating.
votes: Number of votes.
viewership_mil: Number of US viewers in millions.
duration: Duration in a number of minutes.
release_date: Airdate.
guest_stars: Guest stars in the episode (if any).
director: Director of the episode.
writers: Writers of the episode.
has_guests: True/False column for whether the episode contained guest stars.
scaled_ratings: The ratings scaled from 0 (worst-reviewed) to 1 (best-reviewed).
first I have to import the required libraries.
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Read the CSV file
office_df = pd.read_csv('datasets/office_episodes.csv', parse_dates=['release_date'])
These are some values of the dataset.

Data Preprocessing
Then I initialized two empty lists, and iterate through the DataFrame, and assign colours based on the rating.
for ind, row in office_df.iterrows():
if row['scaled_ratings'] < 0.25:
elif row['scaled_ratings'] < 0.50:
elif row['scaled_ratings'] < 0.75:
then, I Iterated through the DataFrame, and assign a size based on whether it has guests
for ind, row in office_df.iterrows():
if row['has_guests'] == False:
# For ease of plotting, add our lists as columns to the DataFrame
office_df['colors'] = cols
office_df['sizes'] = sizes
In order to do that, I split the data into guest and non-guest data frames
using shown in the below code.
non_guest_df = office_df[office_df['has_guests'] == False]
guest_df = office_df[office_df['has_guests'] == True]
after that, I created the two scatter plots with the episode number on the x-axis and the viewership on the y axis. first, a normal scatter plot for regular episodes are created. after that, a starred scatterplot for guest star episodes is created as shown in the below figure.
plt.scatter(x=non_guest_df.episode_number, y=non_guest_df.viewership_mil, \
c=non_guest_df['colors'], s=25)
plt.scatter(x=guest_df.episode_number, y=guest_df.viewership_mil, c=guest_df['colors'], marker='*', s=250)

you can see the source code, here