Python Lists
Python is one of the world's most widely held programming languages, and the reason behind its popular acceptance includes, not limited to:
· Use of simple and intuitive syntax which resembles to simple English
· Python is object-oriented programming language, everything in python considered as an object with different characteristics. Python allows working on various objects.
· Python has features to integrated with different software or components of a software for data cleaning, analysis, and interpretation.
There are four built-in data types in python, namely Lists, Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries. Lists are mainly used to store multiple items in a single variable.
- Lists are prepared placing all data elements in a square bracket which are separated by comma.
- Single list can contain different data types like float, integer, or string.
- We can place lists inside the list, and it is called nested list.
Example of creating empty list
#Empty List
Departments = []
Example of creating a list containing string values
#List Containing departments In the Hospital
Departments = ["OutPatient", "Inpatient", "Dermatology", "STI", "Surgical", "Onchology", "Optalmology"]