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Strong Password Generator using Python

Writer's picture: Ibrahim M. A. NasserIbrahim M. A. Nasser

Your passwords grant access into your own personal kingdom, so you are probably thinking 'what are the best practices to create a strong password' to protect your accounts against these cybercriminals. If your passwords were part of a breach, you will want to change them immediately.

So, what's the solution? Uncrackable passwords.

You have to stay away from the obvious. Never use sequential numbers or letters, and for the love of all things cyber, do not use “password” as your password. Come up with unique passwords that do not include any personal info such as your name or date of birth. If you’re being specifically targeted for a password hack, the hacker will put everything they know about you in their guess attempts.

Passwords should contain three of the four character types:

  1. Uppercase letters: A-Z

  2. Lowercase letters: a-z

  3. Numbers: 0-9

  4. Symbols: ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={[}]|\:;"'<,>.?/

Let's code a function that generates a strong password from the username.

1- Import Libraries

import random
import string

2- Take the username from the user

3- Let's define our function: generate_password(username)

4- Convert the first and last character of the username to uppercase so it contains uppercase and lowercase letters.

5- Store number and symbols form string library.

That's how these variables look like

6- Generate random numbers and symbols of 5 length

7- Concatenate the edited username with the random numbers and symbols and return the generated password

That's it!

Here is how our function should look like:

Let's test our function with new username: datainsight

Congratulations on building your strong password generator with python!

You can find the whole project on my GitHub.


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