The Margin of success. A case study of US elections 2020.

Introduction to US Elections and Electoral Vote
The United States of America holds Presidential elections every four years on the 1st of November, this event is regarded as one of the most important political events all over the globe, due to the gravity of the US Political influence.
The United States of America holds Presidential elections in a unique system called "The United States Electoral College".
Introduction to The United States Electoral College.
The United States Electoral College is the group of presidential electors required by the Constitution to form every four years for the sole purpose of electing the president and vice president. Each state appoints electors according to its legislature, equal in number to its congressional delegation (senators and representatives). Federal officeholders cannot be electors. Of the current 538 electors, an absolute majority of 270 or more electoral votes is required to elect the president and vice president. If no candidate achieves an absolute majority there, a contingent election is held by the United States House of Representatives to elect the president, and by the United States Senate to elect the vice president.
Currently, the states and the District of Columbia hold a statewide or districtwide popular vote on Election Day in November to choose electors based upon how they have pledged to vote for president and vice president, with some state laws against faithless electors. All jurisdictions use a winner-take-all method to choose their electors, except for Maine and Nebraska, which choose one elector per congressional district and two electors for the ticket with the highest statewide vote. The electors meet and vote in December and the inauguration of the president and vice president takes place in January.
The appropriateness of the Electoral College system is a matter of ongoing debate. Supporters argue that it is a fundamental component of American federalism by preserving the constitutional role of the states in presidential elections. Its implementation by the states may leave it open to criticism; winner-take-all systems, especially in populous states, may not align with the principle of "one person, one vote". Almost 10% of presidential elections under the system have not elected the winners of the nationwide popular vote.
Table of Content :
Introduction to US Elections and Electoral Vote
Introduction to The United States Electoral College.
Enabling Widget Extensions in NB
Importing Libraries
Defining Functions Used
Importing Datasets from Local files
Exploring Imported Datasets
Preprocessing of Datasets
Cleaning, Feature Engineering and Merging Datasets
Filtering and simplifying Datasets
Defining columns aggregates
Fixing aggregating columns formating
Pivoting and grouping statistics by state for further analysis
Defining Mean and Median columns
Joining temp data frames
Merging states with their corresponding electoral college votes
Feature engineering election results column (answer)
Pivoting polling data to states
Feature engineering calculating sample size
Fixing column names
Merging both main data frames and geo locations
Creating colour column to visualize candidates parties
Saving Dataframe for easier recall
Exploring Cleaned Datasets
Statistical Analysis of US Elections
Correlation analysis of cleaned data
Eliminating Location data columns
Setting Graph Style
Calculating Correlation
Formating Graphical Output
Plotting CDF for confirmed cases counts
General Data Analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis
Total Votes Per State
Total Electoral Votes
Election total votes & Total Electoral Votes Per US State
Election total votes & Total COVID-19 Cases Per US State
Election total votes & Total Unemployment Per US State
Election total votes & Poverty Per US State
Election total votes & Income Per US State
3D Geospatial Maps
Parsing data to JSON
Executing Maps from JSON file
US Elections 2020 VS Income and Total population
US Elections 2020 VS Unemployment and Poverty
Machine Learning Process
Subsetting ML Dataset
Redefining Categorical Data
Cleaning Data and setting Target column
Feature selection
Splitting Data into Training and Testing Data
Defining Pipeline used
The average CV score on the training set was: 0.975
Using GradientBoostClassifier
Fitting Data to the pipeline
Appending Results to variable
Testing ML Model
Defining list of results
Testing Model nth times
Predicting Data
Grouping Results
Formating Data Output
Printing Percentage Result
Final Thoughts
Libraries Used:-
Pandas: for dataset handling
Numpy: Support for Pandas and calculations
GradientBoostingClassifier: for Machine Learning
train_test_split: for Machine Learning
make_pipeline: for Machine Learning
Normalizer: for Machine Learning
Math: for mathematical operations
Matplotlib: for visualization (basic)
JSON: for JSON Manipulation
CSV: for CSV Manipulation & import
pydeck: for 3D Map visualization
ast: for JSON parsing
jinja2: templating syntax library
HTML: for HTML Parsing
Seaborn: for visualization and plotting (Presentable)
pycountry: Library for getting continent (name) to from their country names
plotly: for interactive plots
Defining Functions
create_legend() : for HTML Legend Creation
ecdf() : for CDF calculation
def create_legend(labels: list) -> HTML:
"""Creates an HTML legend from a list dictionary of the format {'text': str, 'color': [r, g, b]}"""
labels = list(labels)
for label in labels:
assert label['color'] and label['text']
assert len(label['color']) in (3, 4)
label['color'] = ', '.join([str(c) for c in label['color']])
legend_template = jinja2.Template('''
.legend {
width: 300px;
.square {
height: 10px;
width: 10px;
border: 1px solid grey;
.left {
float: left;
.right {
float: right;
{% for label in labels %}
<div class='legend'>
<div class="square left" style="background:rgba({{ label['color'] }})"></div>
<span class="right">{{label['text']}}</span>
<br />
{% endfor %}
html_str = legend_template.render(labels=labels)
return HTML(html_str)
def ecdf(data):
#credits DataCamp Justin Bois
"""Compute ECDF for a one-dimensional array of measurements."""
# Number of data points: n
n = len(data)
# x-data for the ECDF: x
x = np.sort(data)
# y-data for the ECDF: y
y = np.arange(1, n+1) / n
return x, y
Importing Datasets from Local files
US Elections Datasets:-
actual votes.csv : Actual US Election results
trump_biden_polls.csv : US Polling Results
Supplementary Datasets:-
country_statistics.csv : US Demographic Statistics
electoral_votes.csv : US Electoral Collage Counts per state
locations.csv : US States Geographical centers
states_names.csv : US States ANSI Codes
Exploring Imported Datasets
Using .head(),.describe() and .info() methods of pandas
After Exploring the datasets and identifying major problems and missing data, the cleaning process is in order to clean and engineer a few features facilitating the analysis process.
# Filtering and simplifing Datasets
country_statistics = country_statistics[['state','cases','deaths','TotalPop','Men','Women','VotingAgeCitizen','Income','IncomePerCap','Employed','Hispanic','White','Black','Asian','Pacific','Native','Poverty','Unemployment','Professional','Service','Office','Construction','Production','FamilyWork','SelfEmployed','PublicWork','PrivateWork']]
elections = elections[['state','total_votes','votes_Donald_Trump','votes_Joe_Biden']]
# Defining columns aggregates
percentage_of_total= ['Hispanic','White','Black','Asian','Pacific','Native','Poverty','Unemployment']
percentage_of_employment = ['Professional','Service','Office','Construction','Production','FamilyWork','SelfEmployed','PublicWork','PrivateWork']
# Fixing aggregating columns formating
for i in percentage_of_total:
for j in range(len(country_statistics)):
country_statistics[i][j] = (country_statistics[i][j] / 100) * country_statistics['TotalPop'][j]
for i in percentage_of_employment:
for j in range(len(country_statistics)):
country_statistics[i][j] = (country_statistics[i][j] / 100) * country_statistics['Employed'][j]
# Pivoting and grouping statistics by state for further analysis
# Grouping by summing
# Defining Mean and Median columns
mean_columns = country_statistics[['state','IncomePerCap','Income']]
sum_columns = country_statistics.drop(['IncomePerCap','Income'],axis=1)
temp1 = mean_columns.groupby('state').min()
temp2 = sum_columns.groupby('state').sum()
# Joining temp dataframes
states_df = temp1.join(temp2).reset_index()
elections = elections.groupby('state').sum()
states_df = states_df.merge(elections,how='left',on='state').reset_index()
# Merging states with their corresponding electoral collage votes
states_df = states_df.merge(electoral_votes,how='right',on='state')
# Feature engineering election results column (answer)
states_df['answer'] = 'Tie'
for i in range(len(states_df)):
if ((states_df.votes_Joe_Biden[i]) > (states_df.votes_Donald_Trump[i])):
states_df.answer[i] = 'Biden'
if ((states_df.votes_Joe_Biden[i]) < (states_df.votes_Donald_Trump[i])):
states_df.answer[i] = 'Trump'
# Merging Polling Data with main dataframe
polls = polls.merge(states_names,on = 'state',how = 'left')
polls = polls[['state2','sample_size','pct','answer']]
# Filtering polls for most important candidates
polls = polls[(polls.answer == 'Biden') | (polls.answer == 'Trump')]
# Feature engineering vote counts from pct
polls['votes'] = 0
for i in range(len(polls)):
polls.votes[i] = (polls.pct[i] / 100) * (polls.sample_size[i])
polls = polls[['state2','sample_size','votes','answer']]
# Pivoting polling data to states
polls = polls.pivot_table(values=['sample_size','votes'],index='state2',columns='answer',aggfunc=np.sum).reset_index()
polls.columns ='_'.join)
# Feature engineering calculating sample size
polls['sample_size'] = 1
for i in range(len(polls)):
polls.sample_size[i] = (polls.sample_size_Biden[i] + polls.sample_size_Trump[i])/2
polls = polls[['state2_','sample_size','votes_Biden','votes_Trump']]
# Fixing column names
# Merging both main dataframes and geo locations
merged_df = states_df.merge(polls,on='state',how='right')
merged_df = merged_df.merge(locations,on='state',how='left')
# Creating color column to visualize candidates parties
color = {'color':['[255, 20, 20]','[20, 138, 255]']}
color = pd.DataFrame(color,index=['Trump','Biden']).reset_index()
color = color.rename(columns={'index':'answer'})
df = merged_df.merge(pd.DataFrame(color),on='answer',how='left')
# Saving Dataframe for easier recall
Statistical Analysis of US Elections Dataset
Correlation analysis of cleaned data
Using sns.corr() method to find correlations between data knowing that correlation does not necessarily mean causation.
# Elimnating Location data columns
df2 = df.loc[:, ((df.columns != 'lat')&(df.columns != 'long'))]
# Setting Graph Style
# Calculating Correlation
corr = df2.corr()
# Formating Graphical Output
mask = np.zeros_like(corr, dtype=np.bool)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(35, 30))
cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True)
sns.heatmap(corr, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, vmax=.9, center=0, square=True, linewidths=.5, annot=True,cbar_kws={'shrink': .5});

Correlation shows:
A strong positive correlation between almost every element is to be expected.
A strong positive correlation between covid-19 cases and votes for trump columns.
A weak positive correlation between income and general votes.
Plotting CDF for most correlated features
Using ecdf() function and plotly library to plot CDF for statistical distribution.
CDF shows:
80% of the States has average Income Below 41K with a maximum of 65K, Which shows an almost even distribution of income.
90% of the States has Poverty Counts Below 1.74M with a maximum of 5.9M, Which shows that 10% of the states have 5 times more poverty than the rest of the states, Yet this could be an effect of the total population.
90% of the States has Unemployment Counts Below 833K with a maximum of 3.02M, Which shows that 10% of the states have 4 times more Unemployment than the rest of the states, Yet this could be an effect of the total population.
90% of the States has Employment Counts Below 6.09M with a maximum of 18M, Which shows that 10% of the states have 2 times more Employment than the rest of the states, Yet this could be an effect of the total population.
Gender distribution in most states is almost equal in the count.
General Data Analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis
1 - Exploring total votes for both candidates with an average indicator for both parties.
# Creating bar plot of the total votes for both candidates
fig = go.Figure(data=[
go.Bar(name='Biden', x=df.state, y=df.votes_Joe_Biden),
go.Bar(name='Trump', x=df.state, y=df.votes_Donald_Trump)
# Adding average indicator line for Trumps total votes
# Adding average indicator line for Bidens total votes
# Change the bar mode
fig.update_layout(barmode='group',height=600,width=950,title='Total Votes Per State',xaxis_title="States",
yaxis_title="Total Votes",
Figure shows:
Bidens Average total votes are slightly higher than Trumps with less than 100K indifference.
Biden excels over Trump with a huge difference in California.
2 - Exploring Total Electoral votes for both candidates with the average indicator shown for summary overview.
Figure shows:
Bidens Average total Electoral votes are slightly higher than Trumps with less than 5 electoral votes indifference.
Biden excels over Trump with California 55 Electoral votes.
3 - Creating Scatter Plot elaborating on the total votes vs electoral votes, emphasizing how electoral votes factor in elections.
# Creating Scatter plot illustrating
fig = go.Figure()
# Defining Sets of Data for each candidate
trump = df[df.answer == 'Trump']
biden = df[df.answer == 'Biden']
# Adding Trumps Total Votes vs Electoral vote (size) per State
text=trump['electoral vote'],
marker=dict(color="red",size=trump['electoral vote']),
# Adding Bidens Total Votes vs Electoral vote (size) per State
text=biden['electoral vote'],
marker=dict(color="blue",size=biden['electoral vote']),
name = 'Biden',
# Updating Title and axis names
fig.update_layout(title='Election total votes & Total Electoral Votes Per US State',
yaxis_title="Total Votes",
# Showing Final Figure
Figure shows:
Again Bidens CA winning is the main feature of this graph.
Yet Trumps manages to win TX and FL which are the second most awarding states with electoral votes.
The figure shows a general advantage to Bidens Point sizes indicating more electoral votes on average.
4 - Creating scatterplot exploring the relation between the elections and COVID-19.
Figure shows:
States who voted for Biden seem to have fewer COVID-19 Cases than those who voted for Trump.
Does this indicate more educated states voted for Biden? further analysis is required in this area.
5 - Creating scatterplot exploring the relation between the elections and the Unemployment rate.
Figure shows:
States Unemployment Rates seems to have almost no impact on total votes for each candidate.
6 - Creating scatterplot exploring the relation between the elections and the Poverty rate.
Figure shows:
On average poverty rate in states voting for Biden are less than that of Trumps voting States.
7 - Creating scatterplot exploring the relation between the elections and the Income rate.
Figure shows:
States Income Rates seems to have almost no impact on total votes for each candidate.
3D Geospatial Maps
Exploring relationships between most correlated data through 3-dimensional Maps, using JSON and PyDeck.
1 - Creating a 3D Geospatial Map exploring the relation between the elections, total population and Income.
# HTML Legend Creation
legend_l = [{'text': 'Trump', 'color': [255, 20, 20]},{'text': 'Biden', 'color': [20, 138, 255]},{'text': 'Income', 'color': [230, 230, 230]}]
legend = create_legend(legend_l)
# Load in the JSON data
DATA_URL = r'Final Data\\1.geojson'
json = geojson
# Defining View State for PDK
view_state = pdk.ViewState(
# Defining First Layer of PDK Map
Totalpop = pdk.Layer(
get_position=['long', 'lat'],
elevation_range=[0, 10],
get_fill_color=[216, 243, 212],
# Defining Second Layer of PDK Map
states = pdk.Layer(
get_line_color=[255, 255, 255],
# Defining Third Layer of PDK Map
Income = pdk.Layer(
get_fill_color=[230, 230, 230],
get_line_color=[0, 0, 0],
# Defining Tooltip Layer of PDK Map
tooltip = {"html": "<b>N Cases:</b> {cases} K <br /><b>N Deaths:</b> {deaths} K"}
# Initializing Map PyDeck
r = pdk.Deck(
# Displaying Title
<strong>US Elections 2020 VS Income and Total population</strong>
(Data from <a href="">Kaggle</a>)
# Displaying Legend
Figure shows:
Figure Shows states where Biden claims tend to have more income on average.
2 - Creating a 3D Geospatial Map exploring the relation between the elections, Unemployment and Poverty.
Figure shows:
Figure Shows states with high unemployment rate seem to have more poverty.
States with the highest unemployment rate and poverty seem to vote for Biden.
Machine Learning Process
Exploring Machine Learning Pipeline to predict election winner based on current countries demographical statistics such as race, population, unemployment, poverty and sickness.
Yet these features are not inclusive of everything that factor into the selection process. Thus further analysis of historic data is required in a later stage due to inaccessible data.
# Subsetting ML Dataset
machine_learning_df = df[['state','total_votes','polls_sample','polls_biden','polls_trump','cases','deaths','TotalPop','Men','Women','VotingAgeCitizen','Income','IncomePerCap','Employed','Hispanic','White','Black','Asian','Pacific','Native','Poverty','Unemployment','Professional','Service','Office','Construction','Production','FamilyWork','SelfEmployed','PublicWork','PrivateWork','answer','electoral vote']]
# Redefining Categorical Data
machine_learning_df = pd.get_dummies(machine_learning_df)
# Cleaning Data and setting Target column
data = machine_learning_df.drop(['answer_Biden'],axis=1)
# Feature selection
features = data.drop('target', axis=1)
# Splitting Data into Training and Testing Data
training_features, testing_features, training_target, testing_target = \
train_test_split(features, data['target'], random_state=4)
# Defining Pipeline used
# Average CV score on the training set was: 0.975
pipe = make_pipeline(
GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.1, max_depth=7, max_features=0.2, min_samples_leaf=8, min_samples_split=5, n_estimators=185, subsample=0.65)
# Fitting Data to the pipeline, training_target)
# Appending Results to variable
results = pipe.predict(testing_features)
Testing ML Model
# Defining list of results
Percent = []
# Testing Model nth times
for i in range(10000):
# Subsetting ML Dataset
machine_learning_df = df[['state','total_votes','polls_sample','polls_biden','polls_trump','cases','deaths','TotalPop','Men','Women','VotingAgeCitizen','Income','IncomePerCap','Employed','Hispanic','White','Black','Asian','Pacific','Native','Poverty','Unemployment','Professional','Service','Office','Construction','Production','FamilyWork','SelfEmployed','PublicWork','PrivateWork','answer','electoral vote']]
# Redefining Categorical Data
machine_learning_df = pd.get_dummies(machine_learning_df)
# Cleaning Data and setting Target column
data = machine_learning_df.drop(['answer_Biden'],axis=1)
# Feature selection
features = data.drop('target', axis=1)
# Splitting Data into Training and Testing Data
training_features, testing_features, training_target, testing_target = \
train_test_split(features, data['target'], random_state=4)
# Defining Pipeline used
# Average CV score on the training set was: 0.975
pipe = make_pipeline(
GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.1, max_depth=7, max_features=0.2, min_samples_leaf=8, min_samples_split=5, n_estimators=185, subsample=0.65)
# Fitting Data to the pipeline, training_target)
# Defining Test Data
data = machine_learning_df.drop(['answer_Biden'],axis=1)
datatest = data.drop('target',axis=1)
# Predicting Data
trump = pipe.predict(datatest)
biden = 1-trump
datatest['trump'] = trump
datatest['biden'] = biden
# Grouping Results
answer = datatest[['trump','biden','electoral vote']].groupby(['trump','biden']).sum()
# Formating Data Output
if answer.iloc[0]['electoral vote'] > answer.iloc[1]['electoral vote']:
# Printing Percentage Result
**Model Shows accuracy rate of 94%
Conclusion EDA Shows:-
A strong positive correlation between almost every element is to be expected.
A strong positive correlation between covid-19 cases and votes for trump columns.
A weak positive correlation between income and general votes.
80% of the States has average Income Below 41K with a maximum of 65K, Which shows an almost even distribution of income.
90% of the States has Poverty Counts Below 1.74M with a maximum of 5.9M, Which shows that 10% of the states have 5 times more poverty than the rest of the states, Yet this could be an effect of the total population.
90% of the States has Unemployment Counts Below 833K with a maximum of 3.02M, Which shows that 10% of the states have 4 times more Unemployment than the rest of the states, Yet this could be an effect of the total population.
90% of the States has Employment Counts Below 6.09M with a maximum of 18M, Which shows that 10% of the states have 2 times more Employment than the rest of the states, Yet this could be an effect of the total population.
Gender distribution in most states is almost equal in the count.
Bidens Average total votes are slightly higher than Trumps with less than 100K indifference.
Biden excels over Trump with a huge difference in California.
Bidens Average total Electoral votes are slightly higher than Trumps with less than 5 electoral votes indifference.
Biden excels over Trump with California 55 Electoral votes.
Again Bidens CA winning is the main feature of this graph.
Yet Trumps manages to win TX and FL which are the second most awarding states with electoral votes.
The figure shows a general advantage to Bidens Point sizes indicating more electoral votes on average.
States who voted for Biden seem to have fewer COVID-19 Cases than those who voted for Trump.
Does this indicate more educated states voted for Biden? further analysis is required in this area.
States Unemployment Rates seems to have almost no impact on total votes for each candidate.
On average poverty rate in states voting for Biden are less than that of Trumps voting States.
States Income Rates seems to have almost no impact on total votes for each candidate.
Figure Shows states where Biden claims tend to have more income on average.
Figure Shows states with high unemployment rate seem to have more poverty.
States with the highest unemployment rate and poverty seem to vote for Biden.
Final Thoughts:-
Further Data gathering is required to reach a solid conclusion. Historical data of past elections is needed yet inaccessible due to insufficient demographic data of this time. Behavioural science and input are also required to further understand the inclination of the demographic public.
Simple analysis done seems to suggest that Biden won as a result of bad management as a result of low income and other factors such as poverty and unemployment.
And Finally, Thank you for reading.
Please feel free to check the full analysis here.