Website Blocker App using Python
Many people these days struggling with forcing on their work or study and easily distracted by Social media.
And you will learn and build your own website blocker to block certain selected sites that distract you during working hours and be more productive
First there are so some requirements . So we are going to use the time and Datetime Module only which comes by default with the Python Standard Library therefore you don’t need to install anything.
How do we block sites?
Every operating system has a host file and it’s on this file where we are going to add a list of websites we want to block by redirecting them to (localhost).
We will add website URLs to the host file and mapping them to the localhost thus preventing you from accessing the real site during working hours.
For example:
Instead of adding we are going to add, therefore whenever a user tries to access the website during working hours will be directed to the localhost.
if working_time:add mapped websites url to host fileelse:remove the website files from the host file