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Python is an open-source (free), general-purpose (unlimited), programming language which is the most popular for doing data science. Many companies and businesses are now using Python to gain insights from their data, which helps them to have competitive advantage. This course will take a practical approach by using codes written in Jupyter notebooks (a tool that most Data Scientists use on a daily basis) to teach you how to program with Python with the focus on doing data science.


    Data Structures in Python

    SKU: 27893254002
    $100.00 Regular Price
    $4.99Sale Price
    • Data Structures in Python 


      The power of any programming language is in its data structures. This module will help you to get familiar with three of the four built-in collection data types in Python that are essential for doing Data Science.


      In this module, you will learn that:

      1. Lists, Tuples and Sets are three of the four built-in collection data types in Python.
      2. Lists are ordered sequences of elements.
      3. Lists are created using the [ ]  syntax.
      4. Lists can include mixed data types.
      5. List elements are accessed by index.
      6. Lists are mutable objects.
      7. Tuples are similar to lists except for the very important fact that they are immutable.
      8. Tuples are created using the ( ) syntax.
      9. Sets are unordered collections of elements.
      10. Sets are created using the { } syntax.
      11. Sets can include mixed data types.
      12. Set elements are accessed by key (name).
      13. Elements in a set cannot be repeated.
      14. Sets are mutable objects.
    • You will receive links to download this course in zip format during Checkout, along with an emailed link that will last for 30 days.



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