Python Concepts for Data Science: Tuples in Python

A tuple is a built-in datatype in python and it is used to store multiple items in a single variable. It is one of the data types in python which is used to store collections of data.
A tuple is a collection that is ordered and unchangeable means we can not change items after declaring them in the tuple. Tuples are written with round brackets.
Example:-fruit= ('apple' , 'banana' , 'mango') this is a tuple.
Tuple items are ordered, unchangeable, and also allow duplicate values.
Tuple items are indexed like the first item has index [0], the second item has index [1], etc.
In tuple, we can not change the order of items once the tuple is created. To find the length of a tuple we can use the length function with syntax: len(tuple name).
Example1:-Printing Length of Tuples
fruit= ('apple', 'banana','mango')
This gives output 3 because there are three items inside the tuple.

Example2:-Indexing in Tuples

Example3:- Slicing in Tuples

Tuples and List
Tuples are identical to lists in all respects, except for the following properties:
Tuples are defined by enclosing the elements in parentheses (()) instead of square brackets ([]).
Tuples are immutable.
Why use a tuple instead of a list?
Program execution is faster when manipulating a tuple than it is for the equivalent list. (This is probably not going to be noticeable when the list or tuple is small.)
Sometimes we don’t want data to be modified. If the values in the collection are meant to remain constant for the life of the program, using a tuple instead of a list guards against accidental modification.
Example of Difference between List and Tuple
#Python List Example
listWeekDays = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 2]
#Python Tuple Example
tupWeekDays = ('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 2)

Hence, we can conclude that tuples are used to store multiple items in a single variable.
Thank you for your time! Happy reading.
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