Ajibola Salami

Dec 21, 202110 min

40 Must-Know Python Concepts For Beginners in Data Science

About a decade ago, Python was probably not the top tool for doing Data Science. But the pace it has picked ever since has been really magnificent and the rest is history.

Python’s standard library alone contains a vast array of modules for working with data. Now add the extensive community efforts in the form of third-party libraries to make Python much more robust and you have a wide range of functionalities at your beck and call.

In this article, however, we will explore 40 concepts in the standard library for 40 different Python concepts that beginners need to know to propel their Data Science career.

Note that this is by no means an exhaustive list of the useful and commonly used Python concepts; the concepts listed here are as many as we have written about on this platform.

The Concepts List

To make the list a little easier to follow, we group the concepts into six categories, based on how closely related their use cases are. We also arrange them in the order in which they are to be learnt. Lastly, you can click the name of the concept to link to a short code example of how the concepts can be used.

The groups of concepts are: data types, operators, data structures, control flow, functions, and others generally useful concepts.

Click the concept name to view a code example

Data Types

Since all we do in data science is about data, a thorough knowledge of data types, and not just mere recognition, is needed to be good in Python. Below is a list of the basic data types in Python.

1. Integers and Floats: These data types are used for numeric

values. Integer works for discrete values while float works for

decimal values. They are both used extensively for computing and

the only way you can escape them is probably not to code at all

2. Strings: Strings represent text values and, if I had mentioned earlier
that you can’t escape numeric data types, note that it’s even more
serious with strings. Aside from using them as the data type we are
operating on, strings are widely used for adding messages and
formatting our results for better understanding. Because of its
extensive use, it comes with a flurry of methods that can help us with
manipulations. There is also a concentration that deals with strict
formatting and can be found in the first link below.

3. Boolean: Evaluating whether expressions or conditions are true or
false is a common thing when coding, and having a good knowledge of
the Boolean data type will significantly add to your Python arsenal.


These are Python concepts used for performing operations on variables and values

4. Arithmetic: These are used for doing common mathematical
operations. From simple addition down to modulus and exponentiation,
these function would make your mathematical use of Python easy.

5. Assignment: It is tempting to think that the = sign is the only
operator that is used for assigning values to variables. But delve a little
deeper and you would see you can use it alongside some other
symbols, particularly when you want to both assign and do some
arithmetic simultaneously.

6. Comparison: As the name rightly suggests, these operators are
used for comparing values and it is worth knowing if you are a beginner
in Python.

7. Logical: As you proceed in your learning, you will definitely need to
work with conditional statements in order to tell the program what you
want and do not want. In this case, you will obviously need the power
of logical operators like and and or. Find useful use cases in the links

8. Identity: Though similar to comparison operators, these operators
pay more attention to the object type of the values in question. With the
is and is not, you can tell whether or a variable is same as another

9. Membership: This helps us to check if a value or sequence of
values are present in a given object. It uses the syntaxes in and not in.

Data Structures

These are data containers and are used for ordering and grouping different data types together.

10. Lists: These are probably the most common Python data
container. They can hold different data types together. The elements in
a list are ordered, changeable, and can be duplicated. Python has
several built-in methods for manipulating lists. It is definitely a container
every data professional cannot do without.

11. Tuples: Tuples are similar to list, only that their elements are
unchangeable. Plus, they are often used to store related data types.
They are also useful for doing multiple variable assignments.

12. Sets: These are data container for mutable, unordered collections
of unique items. The unordered nature of sets allow for flexibility when
storing and retrieving data. And like a list, a set has many methods that
make working with it easy and intuitive.

13. Dictionaries: Unlike other data containers, dictionaries use a key-
value pair for storing data. Dictionaries also come in very handy when
you need to create compound data structures. What more, it is another
way you can better comprehend json data format, which is one of the
common data format data scientists work with.

Control Flow

These concepts build logic into codes by determining the sequence with which part of the code runs and which does not.

14. Conditional If Statement: This is used to specify whether to run or
skip a block of code given a set condition is true or false. It is usually
used with operators. It works with two optional clauses, elif and else.
This is one of the most common control flow tools in Python. It simply
checks if a condition is True and evaluates. If the condition is False,
however, it evaluates based on the alternative preset route.

15. Boolean Expression: This is useful for case when you need more
than one condition or need a mixture of operators and calculations in
the if statement. In other words, it is employed for cases where we
have complicated conditions.

16. For loop: This is used for iterating over data containers or iterables
such as list, tuple, dictionary, etc., in a predefined number of times. It is
a widely used concept and a sort of swiss knife you would need as a

17. While loop: Though similar to For loop, while loop does not use the
definite iteration process. Instead it continues looping over an iterable
for an unknown number of times until the preset condition is met.
Instead a condition is set, and while the condition holds true, the
statement under the while loop is executed.

18. Break, Continue, and Pass: There are times too when we need
more control over a loop, like when it should end, skip certain
iterations, or rather not even execute any iteration at all. The break,
continue, and pass keywords serve these purposes respectively and
can be a very handy collection of concepts in your day to day

19. Zip and Enumerate: The zip and enumerate functions are also
very useful for control flow in Python. With zip, you can output an
iterator that combines more than one iterable into a sequence of
tuples. In order words, instead of doing, say, three for loops on three
different iterables, you can do for loop once by zipping the iterables
together. After you’re done, you can then unzip each to the respective
container as necessary. Also, there are times when you may also need
the index of every item in your iterable alongside the value, then
enumerate is what you need. The link provided contains the code to
achieve that.

20. List comprehension: This is simply a one-liner version of the for
loop. With list comprehension, you can quickly create lists from
iterables. Another impressive thing about list comprehension is that,
even though a one-liner, you can still add conditional statements just
as in for loop.


These are the concepts that allow us carry out any form operation imaginable in Python. They are usually put in a holder and can be used repeatedly. Below are a few but useful examples for beginners.

21. User-defined function: The DRY principle of coding, (Don’t
Repeat Yourself), is a critical part of writing effective code that will not
just ease your work as a programmer but also the works of others with
whom you collaborate with. While there are quite a number of ways to
achieve this, Python function is one sure bet. With it you can create a
single function or many functions wrapped up as a module and call it
whenever it is needed. In addition, functions break down our work into
smaller, organized and easy-to-manage chunks.

22. Lambda Function: When you are looking at a small, anonymous
function that can be used as an expression instead of a statement,
then what you actually need is a lambda function. Also it is better for
cases where you are not really likely to need to reuse the function, like
a quick fix. It can be used with other functions like map, reduce, and
filter to do even more important things. The provided link takes you
through how to use lambda with practical examples.

23. Map: Just returning iterators from an iterable may not be enough
and you may want to apply some function to them first. Python map
function is what you need. All you need is pass the function and
iterable into the map function as arguments and you have your result.
The provided link also gives an example where the map function can
be more optimal than a for loop.

24. Eval: This function is simply used for carrying out mathematical
operations on integers and floats. One particularly important aspect of
this function is that it can be used to execute formulas that are stored
in a string. It is super useful for beginners who wants some
mathematical powers in Python

25. Range: The range function returns a sequence of numbers starting
from zero. On its own it may not look particularly useful, but when used
alongside other functions/concepts then its usefulness becomes bare.
For example, it is usually employed when looping over an iterable.

26. Input: This function prompts users for input. It provides the
simplest form of interactivity between your code and its users. It can
bring out some sheer excitement in a beginner to see their not just
communicating with a user but also producing the intended result!

Other Useful Concepts

The set of concepts do not have similar uses but cut across various parts of programming in Python and thus are generally useful.

27. *Args and **Kwargs: There are times when defining a function
that you may not be sure of the number of arguments that are needed.
Just add an asterisk before the parameter name in the function
definition and voila!. Or if you are dealing with key arguments, just use
double asterisk. You can go through the provided link to get more

28. Classes: Python is an object-oriented programming language and
knowing how to create your own object, however simple, is definitely a
step towards being a self-reliant user of the language. The knowledge
you are likely to gather defining your own attributes and methods and
initiating instances of your class object will no doubt make your use of
other built-in Python packages much more easier.

29. Inheritance: This is a concept that saves you the stress of having
to create classes that have similar attributes and methods. Having
created just one such class, you can make a new class just inherit the
methods and properties of the first created class.

30. Iterators and Generators: Iterator is an object that can return data
values one at a time and can start where it left off each time it is called
and can be obtained from iterables like lists and tuples. However you
may need to create a custom iterator directly and that’s where
generators come. While these concepts may not be immediately
needed by a beginner, having a prerequisite introduction to it isn’t a
bad idea.

31. Local and Global Variables: because it is likely that you would
use certain variables repeatedly, it is important to understand how the
region or scope of the variable determines its availability in the course
of your coding. The provided link will also take you through the
essence of paying attention to the name you give variables when
working between a local and a global scope.

32. Modules: Once you are familiar with creating user-defined
functions, you can extend your knowledge to modules. Just put those
functions in a .py file and you can easily import and use them in
another program, unlike functions that you can only use in the same
programming environment. It’s definitely a handy and easy tool to

33. Date and Time: Working with Date and time requires another set
of technical know-how since this data has its own type away from the
ones earlier discussed. Besides, it is common to have datasets that
contain date and time and having this in your toolkit as a Python
beginner is a big plus.

34. Regular Expression: When you work with strings, you would very
likely need to parse certain words, phrases, and other important texts.
Regular expressions, or RegEx for short, is the method of using
sequences of characters to form a search pattern that will help you
achieve this. It is a very useful concept that will ease your task with
string data types.

35. Errors and Exceptions: You will have to debug errors. Did I just
say will? You must debug errors. That’s just the life of a programmer.
And having a knowledge of some of the most common errors and how
to handle them will go a long way to make your Python journey
smoother. Reduce the rate at which errors delay your work with the
helpful links provided.

36. String Formatting: To make sure string variables run as expected,
particularly when embedding non-string data types within and between
them, this concept is a must-know. It is a very important concept in
Python and used especially for making our output much more intuitive.

37. Indexing and Slicing: It is not every time we want to work with the
whole dataset and sometimes we may just want to check or manipulate
a subset of the data. That’s where indexing and slicing come in. They
are a very common concept in Python for accessing elements of
iterables such as list, tuple, string, etc. It is definitely a concept you
need in your learning journey.

38. Reading/Importing File: As data is usually one of the first things in
any Data Science project, having a method for reading data into your
Python workspace is as essential as the word essential can go. From
common file formats like txt, csv, xlsx, xml, html, json, pdf, hdf5 to
software-based files from applications like Matlab, Sas, Strata, Python
provides simple but effective methods for reading data in few lines of
codes. The link above gives examples of how different data file formats
can be imported in Python.

39. Writing file: Aside from reading an existing file, you can also write
to an existing file, probably for some modification or update, and
Python write() function does this seamlessly.

40. PIP: Well, you can see this as a bonus concept, but it is worth
knowing if you want to extend your knowledge of Python to third-party

Happy Coding!
